Archive: Aug 2017

Two Ways Improper Balancing Can Affect Your Profits

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Unbalance is a naturally occurring, and expected phenomenon with all rotating components. It can occur suddenly, or build up over time, and is caused by any number of factors.  Distortions due to stress, uneven thermal distribution, or deposit build-up on the part are a few of the most common causes for unbalance in rotating machinery. Every rotating part will need to be balanced at some point within its lifespan, and it’s vital that the unbalance correction is performed properly.

If you are unfamiliar with the balancing process, there is the possibility that your service provider can incorrectly “correct” the unbalance in your rotating component. This will occur when balance tooling and set-up are not properly developed, or the service provider’s personnel is not fully knowledgeable about the balance process required for the particular rotating component. An improperly balanced part (or batch of parts) can lead to severe consequences to your bottom line.

Delays & Missed Deadlines

As with all manufacturing processes, project schedules are extraordinarily sensitive. However, balancing services for the manufacturing industry usually occur at the very end of the component’s build process, right before delivery to the customer.

If improper balancing occurs and is detected, there’s a high possibility that the delays will directly affect your client’s revenue for the month. So not only will you be paying for the rebalancing, but you run the risk of losing future contracts with your customer. However, the more realistic possibility is that the incorrect balancing is not caught in time, and the rotating components are shipped directly to your customer (which leads to the next potential hit to your bottom line).

Non-Conformance & Part Failures

When improper balancing occurs, it is close to impossible to detect immediately. This means that there is a high probability that non-conforming parts are entering the field. In a best case scenario, the unbalance is detected by your client when assembled into the final product, but before full product launch. You will not only incur the costs of transporting parts back and forth and the second round of balance correction, but you will also incur the metaphoric cost of lost faith from your client. It is also possible that the initial improper unbalance correction will be so severe that the parts will need to be scrapped – a catastrophic scenario for any profit margin. In the worst case scenario, total part failure will occur in the field as a result of an improperly balanced part. The costs of part failure in the field can be ruinous.

The key to avoiding profit loss and potential part failures due to unbalance in your rotating components is in understanding what a good balance provider looks like and fully understanding the process.

For more information on Test Devices Inc’s balancing services, please feel free to request a quote or contact us with any specific questions.

Three Major Ways Your Manufactured Rotating Component Can Become Unbalanced

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Unbalance in your rotating component is simply defined as the unequal distribution of weight along your rotor. It is a tricky problem that can sneak up on you unexpectedly. But with the proper knowledge, you can keep an eye out for the major causes of unbalance, and be prepared to address them quickly.

Distortion from Stress

Distortion can occur as a direct result of the manufacturing process and is often the result of a part “adjusting” to relieve stress. Manufacturing processes such as drawing, forging, pressing, etc. will yield internal stresses on parts. If stress relief is not built into the manufacturing process, the rotor will eventually distort to adjust to that residual, internal stress.

Thermal Distortion 

Change in temperature or uneven temperature distribution can also cause major distortions on a rotating part.  Most metals have the capacity to expand when exposed to heat, so when components operate within environments with elevated temperatures, there is the inherent possibility of expansion. If the heat exposure doesn’t happen uniformly over the entire part, certain sections will expand and distortion will occur.

Thermal distortion is a common and natural occurrence with machines that are exposed to (or operate within) elevated temperatures, so components within machines like motors, compressors, turbines,  etc should be regularly evaluated for unbalance.

Deposits & Oil Buildup

If a rotating component is involved in any sort of material handling, it is almost inevitable that buildups of deposits will occur. Minerals (like lime), dirt or dust will begin to build up on rotating parts, cause an initial uneven distribution of weight, and vibrations will begin to occur.

Rotating components that are exposed to oil (ie: lubricated compressors) are also highly susceptible to distortion. Oil has the ability to seep deep into components if left unchecked, and the liquid will accumulate until the buildup causes unbalance, vibrations, and sometimes part failure.

(In the case of deposits and build-up, distortion CAN be avoided before unbalance occurs, if there is a stringent maintenance routine and/or inspection process implemented.)

For more information on the balancing services that Test Devices Inc. provides check our Balancing Services Page or contact us directly.

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