Hiro Endo

Endo joined Test Devices in 2008 and is currently Vice President of Engineering & Chief Technology Officer. He was born in Tokyo and spent his early childhood in central Africa and the Philippines. His adolescent years were spent in Australia. He has advanced engineering degrees from the University of New South Wales and was graduated with first-class honors (top 5% of the class).
His experience includes consulting in the field of stress analysis, vibrations and structural dynamics, and as an analyst with Rolls-Royce, PLC’s Lifing and Integrity Group. He has published several papers and authored chapters of books on the topics related to dynamics of geared transmission systems, signal processing techniques, vibration-based machine health monitoring, high-speed rotor integrity issues, and containment analysis. Endo is a member of reviewing boards for two prestigious international journals – Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing and the Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.